Price: $199
Duration: Approx. 6hrs (Face-to-Face and Online Learning)
Course Details
Daysafe Training’s Blended Learning Western Australia White Card course enables WA learners to complete a general construction induction course to receive a White Card in a blended online and face-to-face training program.
Course Structure
Firstly, there are 5 eLearning Modules to complete:
- Modules 1 to 4 comprise of reading material followed by short quizzes.
- Module 5 is your Practical Assessment Instructions
Secondly, you are required to attend a face-to-face training and assessment session.
What Do I Need?
You will need the following things to complete the WA White Card course:
- Access to the Internet
- A computer or smartphone/tablet
- A basic understanding of the English language
- A driver’s license, passport or other form of photo-identification
During the course, you will be required to:
- Complete a Student Declaration to confirm you will complete the course yourself, with no help, apart from Daysafe staff.
- Complete the online theory program.
- Download the Practical Assessment Instructions prior to the face-to-face session.
- Answer oral questions relating to hazards and controls during the face-to-face session.
- Demonstrate how to wear PPE and explain what each item is for.
- Provide Proof of Identification.
To enrol in this blended learning course, please go to the ‘Course Calendar’ page and click on the ‘White Card’ course on the date (and time) that you can attend a face-to-face session.
A Nationally Accredited Statement of Attainment will be emailed to successful students within 24 hours after completing the course.
The Statement of Attainment is a proof of having completed a White Card course and can be used to gain access to construction sites.
A WA White Card will be issued on the day of the practical session to successful students or sent by registered mail by the next business day of completion of the course.
Further Information:
If you need further information before starting the course, please read the FAQ’s below or call our office on 08 9144 1170 and our friendly staff will be more than happy to help you.
What is a White Card?
- A White Card is evidence that you have completed a General Construction Induction course/White Card course. This course is mandatory for anyone who works, or wants to work, in the construction industry.
The Worksafe WA Website states: “Construction Induction Training cards (CIT) are supplied to an RTO on the condition that the CIT cards are only issued to candidates who provide evidence that they are located in Western Australia at the time of the assessment for the General Construction Induction course/White Card course.
Evidence can include:
- Current Western Australian Driver’s Licence; or
- Current Western Australian learner driver’s permit; or
- Current Western Australian Student Identification; or
- Recent utilities invoice with a Western Australia address and the name of the person to whom the CIT card will be issued; or
- Western Australian Construction Industry Training Fund payment eligibility; or
- Western Australian postal address to which the CIT card is to be posted.”
Is my WA White Card recognised in other States and Territories?
- YES – The Worksafe WA Website states: “In 2009 WorkSafe changed the design of construction induction cards from ‘blue’ to ‘white’ as a result of harmonisation of training across all States and Territories. Across all States and Territories, including here in WA, both the ‘blue’ and ‘white’ types of cards are accepted by the regulatory authority as evidence that induction training has been completed.”
The White Card we issue?
- Upon successful completion, you will receive a WA White Card and a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment.
Is the practical demonstration necessary?
- YES – As of December 2017, additional assessment requirements were added to the White Card course in response to changes to mandatory Government legislation.
Is the WA White Card recognised in all Australian states?
- All White Cards are mutually recognised in each state of Australia. However it is recommended you check with your employer if your white card has been issued from another state.
What form of ID is required?
We require one (1) form of photographic identification such as a current and valid copy of:
- Australian Driver’s Licence
- Passport
- School Identity Card
- Proof of Age Card
Three (3) other forms of identification such as:
- Medicare Card
- Credit Card
- Public utility account, Electricity, Gas, Water or land line telephone account, one of which must show your current address.
How long does it take to do the course? Do I have to complete my course in one sitting?
- The course is designed as a four to six hour program. It is a self-paced course and if you have previous experience you can move through the course quickly.
- You can start and stop your training as many times as you like and your completed work will be recorded ready for your next visit.
I have a Student Visa. Can I complete a White Card course?
- YES – A person holding an eligible Student Visa can complete the ‘White Card’ course under the Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021 which came into effect in June 2021. The conditions for student enrolment are the same as identified on the website including that students must be physically located in Western Australia at the time of their training and assessment.
I have lost my White Card. How do I get a new one?
- If you received your original White Card from Daysafe Training we can assist you to get a replacement card at a cost of $55, please contact us via email training@daysafe.com.au
What payment methods are available?
- Credit Card
- Cash
I have a Blue Card. Do I need to get a White Card?
- The old Blue Card is still valid as long as the holder has not been out of the construction industry for a period of two years or more.
When will I receive my White Card?
- You will receive your White Card by no later than the next business day that you complete your course.
Will my White Card expire?
- Your White Card will not expire, however if you have been out of the construction industry for a period of two years or more you will need to redo the course.
FUNDED TRAINING…..Are you eligible for the Construction Training Fund Rebate?
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Private or Onsite group training is available at our training centre or on your site. For more information, please contact us today.
White Card Training
Western Australian White Card
- CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry